Which Is Better: Professional Tooth Whitening or Tooth Whitening Kits?

Having white teeth can boost your confidence in your appearance and your smile. While maintaining good oral hygiene can help you keep your teeth white, getting your teeth whitened can eliminate existing stains and make your teeth several shades whiter in a short period.

If you’re considering teeth whitening in the Houston area, you’ll have your choice between getting your teeth professionally whitened or getting your teeth whitened from an at-home kit. Making a decision can be tough. Here’s what to know.

Benefits of Professional Tooth Whitening

Professional tooth whitening is one of the most effective ways to get your teeth whitened. Tooth whitening with the dentist is more effective, so you can enjoy greater benefits overall.

  • Greater confidence in your smile. Having confidence in your smile can lead you to smile more. This can then lead to easier interpersonal and professional relationships and improved self-confidence.
  • Removal of difficult stains. Some people spend years trying to get rid of stains on their teeth. Sometimes brushing and maintaining good oral hygiene isn’t enough. If your teeth have become stained, tooth whitening may be the solution.
  • Your teeth look years younger. When you were young, your teeth were white and beautiful. As adults, our teeth age and may become yellow, brown or gray. By getting your teeth professionally whitened, you may enjoy beautiful white teeth again, like they were when you were young.

Tooth Whitening Kits

Tooth whitening kits aren’t as effective or long-lasting and professional tooth whitening, but they do cost less and are easily available in pharmacies. If you’re on a budget and would like to enjoy a temporary reprieve from yellowed or brown teeth, a tooth whitening kit may be for you.

Which Is Right For You?

If you’re serious about getting your teeth whitened, contact a dentist in the Houston area. Your dentist can help you enjoy white teeth that are shades brighter than your teeth are currently. Call Chloe Dental today.

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