What to Expect from Your Oral Surgery

Oral surgery sounds foreboding, and you may envision a painful procedure that takes hours to complete. In reality, however, oral surgery is simple and mostly painless. You’ll receive anesthesia before most oral surgeries, so you’ll have no pain. And while you may experience some discomfort afterward, your dentist in Katy, TX,will provide prescription or over-the-counter medication to make you comfortable.

What Happens Before Oral Surgery?

Before your dentist refers you to an oral surgeon, they’ll meet with you for a consultation. They’ll usually take X-rays and perform diagnostic tests to determine why you’re experiencing tooth or jaw pain. In some instances, you may not have pain at all, but oral surgery is still necessary to prevent problems in the future. This is usually true for wisdom tooth extraction.

You will also consult with your oral surgeon in Katy, TX, before your surgery, and they’ll take a brief medical history. They may ask you which type of sedation you prefer and whether you’re allergic to any medication. They’ll then give you a list of pre-operative instructions and schedule your oral surgery for a future date.

What to Expect on the Day of Your Oral Surgery

On the day of your surgery, you’ll want to forego breakfast. Your pre-operative instructions will likely mention the need to fast from midnight on. You’ll also want to have another licensed driver with you to take you home afterward.

If you elected sedation, you’ll be unconscious during your surgery. Afterward, your oral surgeon will provide you with a list of care instructions for your incisions, to prevent problems such as infection or dry socket.

If you think you may need oral surgery in Katy, TX, contact Chloe Dental today. We’ll book an appointment that fits your schedule and consult with you to determine whether oral surgery is a sound solution.

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