Is There a Window of Opportunity for Dental Implants?

For anyone who has experienced tooth loss, there is always a wish to have their teeth restored. Dental implants offer a way to restore both function and appearance. However, dental implants involve a surgical procedure. And, after a tooth loss, certain bone and gum tissue degeneration occurs. One of the most common questions that your Houston, TX dentist is asked has to do with the window of opportunity to get dental implants.

When is the Best Time For Dental Implants?

The best time to get dental implants is soon after you have lost a permanent tooth. Shortly after a tooth is lost, the jaw bone starts to shrink because there is no longer any pressure being applied from the tooth. This shrinkage, also called resorption, lessens the amount of available bone to accept the implant. If there is too much bone loss, bone grafting may be necessary. This both complicates and lengthens the dental implant treatment time.

What is the Best Age For Dental Implants?

There are age-related factors regarding the best candidates for dental implants, too. Jaw bone growth should be complete, so the person would have to be in their late teens or early twenties. On the other end of the spectrum, overall health should be fairly good, so a very old individual with systemic health problems might not be a good candidate for dental implants. Your dentist is the best person to make the determination on a case-by-case basis.

The Connection With Oral Health

A person who has lost multiple permanent teeth may have poor oral health to begin with. That would also need to be rectified prior to getting dental implants. Conditions such as periodontitis threaten the efficacy of dental implants, so the person should commit to better oral health habits at home, as well.

For more information about  dental implants in Houston, TX or to book your next dental exam, please contact us today.