Have You Heard About Laser Gum Surgery?

Are you happy with your smile? There are many reasons people choose cosmetic dental procedures such as laser gum surgery, but the intent is always the same — to improve the appearance of their smile. And when you choose a laser procedure, it’s almost always less invasive, less painful, and boasts a shorter recovery time. In reference to laser gum surgery, or gingivectomy, your dentist in Katy, TX, uses a laser to remove excess gum tissue that gives your smile that ‘gummy’ appearance. Then, when you smile or grin, people will notice only the dazzling brightness of your teeth, instead of the amount of gums you have showing.

Is Laser Gum Surgery Painful?

Having unwanted gum tissue excised with a laser is much less painful than having it cut out with a scalpel. There is also less need for anesthesia. For a typical procedure, your dentist will have you rinse with an anesthetic mouth wash before they begin. This, in addition to over-the-counter pain medications, is usually all that’s needed to make you comfortable during and after your laser procedure.

Does It Take Long to Recover from Laser Gum Surgery?

The recovery time for laser gum surgery is typically between two and four weeks. However, after the first week, patients are usually able to resume a regular diet. You will need to avoid brushing the affected area until it has completely healed. This is to prevent the removal of blood clots that are conducive to healing.

Choose Chloe Dental for Laser Gum Surgery

When you’re ready to learn more about laser gum surgery in Katy, TX, contact the professionals at Chloe Dental. Our experienced and friendly team is always ready to answer any questions regarding the improvement of your smile.

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