Why Dental Tourism For Dental Implants is a Bad Idea
People are traveling a lot more these days, and one popular reason is called dental tourism. Dental tourism, as it’s called, is when a person travels for the express reason to get dental work done in another country. The reasons vary, but one much-touted attraction of dental tourism is cost. Many people believe they can get certain treatments abroad that they feel are cost-prohibitive in the States, at a cheaper price in other countries, such as Mexico. As your trusteddentist in Katy, TX, we urge you not to fall prey to the temptation to engage in dental tourism and get dental work done in Mexico or other countries. Here’s why.
Lack of Standards
The U.S. has very exacting standards when it comes to medical and dental care. Your dentist at Chloe Dental has undergone extensive education and training in order to ensure that your treatment is safe. Unfortunately, other countries don’t have the same standards. There’s no telling what lack of education your dentist abroad may have. Worse, you may not succumb to illness until long after the treatment is done.
Poor Treatment
You won’t get the same quality of treatments abroad as you will in the good ol’ U.S.A. We have access to the best technology and equipment available. We also have access to the best education, so that your dentist knows exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
Treatment Takes Time
Many is the unsuspecting tourist who goes abroad for things like dental implants, only to find out that the treatment can take up to six months. There’s no weekend dental tourism treatments for implants. So unless you want to be away from your friends and family for half a year, stay put.
Look, we know social media makes dental tourism look attractive. But looks can be deceiving, and we want you to stay safe. Contact your safedentist in Katy, TX at Chloe Dental to book your appointment today.