Why Dental Tourism For Dental Implants is a Bad Idea

People are traveling a lot more these days, and one popular reason is called dental tourism. Dental tourism, as it’s called, is when a person travels for the express reason to get dental work done in another country. The reasons vary, but one much-touted attraction of dental tourism is cost. Many people believe they can get certain treatments abroad that they feel are cost-prohibitive in the States, at a cheaper price in other countries, such as Mexico. As your trusteddentist in Katy, TX, we urge you not to fall prey to the temptation to engage in dental tourism and get dental work done in Mexico or other countries. Here’s why.

Lack of Standards

The U.S. has very exacting standards when it comes to medical and dental care. Your dentist at Chloe Dental has undergone extensive education and training in order to ensure that your treatment is safe. Unfortunately, other countries don’t have the same standards. There’s no telling what lack of education your dentist abroad may have. Worse, you may not succumb to illness until long after the treatment is done.

Poor Treatment

You won’t get the same quality of treatments abroad as you will in the good ol’ U.S.A. We have access to the best technology and equipment available. We also have access to the best education, so that your dentist knows exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it.

Treatment Takes Time

Many is the unsuspecting tourist who goes abroad for things like dental implants, only to find out that the treatment can take up to six months. There’s no weekend dental tourism treatments for implants. So unless you want to be away from your friends and family for half a year, stay put.

Look, we know social media makes dental tourism look attractive. But looks can be deceiving, and we want you to stay safe. Contact your safedentist in Katy, TX at Chloe Dental to book your appointment today.

4 Signs Your Teeth Are Shifting

Teeth shifting refers to a phenomenon where teeth move from the regular spot they’ve been holding since you can remember. Teeth shifting can happen over time due to a lot of different factors, and none of them are good news. Once your teeth start to move out of position, it’s possible that you could end up losing a permanent tooth if you aren’t willing to take immediate action. Visit your dentist in Katy, TX if you notice any of the following weird symptoms:

1. Bite Changes

If it feels different when you bring your upper and lower teeth together, that’s a bite change. Misalignment may even cause discomfort, or cause you to accidentally bite your cheek instead of that bite of juicy steak.

2. Gaps Between Teeth

Are you seeing fresh air instead of tooth enamel? If you’re seeing new spaces or gaps between your teeth, your teeth aren’t playing hide and seek with you. It’s likely that teeth are drifting apart due to the loss of surrounding bone structure or pressure from other teeth.

3. Teeth are More Sensitive

Teeth shouldn’t hurt. Teeth that are in need of dental help can affect how the roots and gums interact. As your teeth move, they might expose sensitive areas of the tooth, leading to increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods.

4. Teeth Feel Loose

Things feeling loosy goosy inside your mouth? A sudden or noticeable looseness in your teeth is a serious sign that your teeth are moving. This can happen if the surrounding bone or gums have been compromised, affecting the stability of your teeth.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s essential to consult your dentist in Katy, TX to discuss potential treatments to keep the situation from worsening.

Are Some People More Prone to Cavities?

If you feel like you’re always getting cavities while your friend always comes away from the dentist with a clean “bill of health,” you may wonder if some people are more prone to cavities. In fact, you’re not too far from the truth, because some people are more likely to get cavities than others. But it’s not something that you have no control over. Even if, for one reason or another, you’re a person who gets cavities often, you can work toward better dental health with the assistance of your dentist in Houston, TX. But what might make some people more prone to cavities than others?


Diet plays a huge part in how susceptible a person is to cavities. Dentists are always saying that sugar is a no-no for healthy teeth and gums, but with today’s processed foods everywhere you turn, it’s harder and harder to avoid sugar. The best option is to learn how to cook healthy, nutritious meals at home so you know exactly what’s in them. This alone will do wonders to protect you from cavities.


You can’t help what genes you were born with, and genetics can play a big role in determining your susceptibility to tooth decay. Some people inherit softer enamel, making their teeth more vulnerable to the acids produced by bacteria. Additionally, the shape and depth of tooth crevices, which are often genetic, can make it easier for food particles and plaque to accumulate, increasing the risk of cavities.


Are you a person who takes oral health seriously? This would mean visiting the dentist at least twice a year and brushing and flossing regularly. If not, then yes, you’ll be more prone to cavities.

Regular dental check-ups, eating a healthy diet, and good oral hygiene can help mitigate all these risk factors. Book your next dental exam in Houston, TX today!

What Should I Do If My Child Is Having a Dental Emergency?

Is your child having a dental emergency? Wondering what to do? Dental emergencies can be scary for you and your little one, but they’re better when you have the help of a capable dentist in Katy and Houston, TX. Knowing how to identify when your child is having a dental emergency and what you can do about it is important. Here’s what to know.

What Qualifies As a Dental Emergency?

Just knowing what qualifies as a dental emergency is an important part of knowing what steps to take next. Generally speaking, if you’re experiencing severe dental pain or injury, you’re very likely having a dental emergency. Below are some examples.

  • Loss of a permanent tooth. Loss of a permanent tooth is a dental emergency. If you get your child to the dentist quickly enough, you may be able to save the tooth.
  • Severe toothache. A severe toothache could be a sign of a dental infection.
  • Tooth has become chipped or broken. A chipped or broken tooth may or may not be a dental emergency, depending on the nature of the break. Call your dentist to find out.

What To Do In the Event of a Dental Emergency

In the event of a dental emergency, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible. Your first step is to call a dentist’s office that offers emergency dental services. A dentist who is set up to offer emergency dental services should have the scheduling flexibility to see you as soon as possible. Contact the dentist before bringing your child to the office.

If your child is having a dental emergency in Katy and Houston, TX, contact Chloe Dental. We can help.

How Should I Maintain My Dental Implants?

If you’re missing a tooth, the most natural type of prosthetic tooth that you can get is a dental implant. Dental implants work very much like natural teeth, in that each implant is fused with the jaw bone to create a permanent tooth replacement.

Once your implant (or implants) are installed, your dentist in Katy and Houston, TX can help you determine how to keep your implant clean and in good condition. Here’s what to know about maintaining dental implants.

Cleaning Dental Implants

Cleaning dental implants is a lot like cleaning natural teeth. Brush your implant with regular, non-abrasive toothpaste to keep the implant free from plaque and tartar. Brush your implant twice per day at the same time that you brush the rest of your teeth.

Floss your dental implant once daily. When flossing, push the floss down straight down along the tooth, then pull the floss straight up. Avoid wrapping the floss around the crown of the implant, or this could break the seal that attaches the crown to the implant.

Can Dental Implants Be Whitened?

Dental implants cannot be whitened. Many implants are made from tooth-colored material that has been color matched to the other teeth in the mouth. Some implants are made of metal and are not tooth colored at all. Either way, neither of these types of implants responds to tooth-whitening agents.

This means that if you have a dental implant, the whitening process could cause your natural teeth to change their color, while your dental implant remains the color that it is. When the whitening is finished, your teeth and implant won’t match.

See your Dentist Every Six Months

If you have dental implants in Katy and Houston, TX, see the dentist every six months for a dental examination. During the routine dental examination and cleaning, your dentist will check your implant to ensure that it is still in good condition. Call Chloe Dental today to make an appointment.