5 Signs Your Child Needs to See An Orthodontist

Crooked teeth can cause a variety of problems for your child. When your child’s teeth don’t align properly, your child can have problems chewing and talking. Your child may even become self-conscious about their smile. If your child needs to see an orthodontist, it’s important to work with your child’s dentist in Katy and Houston, TX, to get them the care they need. First, you have to recognize the signs that they need help. Here’s what you need to know.

Signs Your Child Needs to See An Orthodontist

If your child needs to see an orthodontist, you may notice some of the following problems:

  1. Teeth are crowded and overlapping in places.
  2. Your child frequently bites the inside of their mouth when they chew.
  3. Your child makes a clicking noise when they bite down.
  4. Chewing is difficult for your child.
  5. Your child has difficulty speaking or has a speech impediment.

Why Early Treatment Is Usually Better

Orthodontic problems don’t usually get better with time; they get worse. If your child gets early orthodontic treatment for problems like crowded teeth and misaligned bites, they can avoid more severe and costly problems later on.

If you catch the problem early enough, your child’s dentist may be able to solve the problems without braces, or the braces may need to be on their teeth for less time. If you believe that your child may need braces, talk to their dentist as soon as possible.

Concerned About Your Child’s Tooth Alignment? Contact Chloe Dental

At Chloe Dental, we install braces in Katy and Houston, TX. We also provide clear aligners to patients who are a right fit for this option! Want to know more? Call today to make an appointment.

How To Help Children Establish a Good Dental Hygiene Routine

Many young children dislike the daily chore of brushing and flossing their teeth. To help these children establish a good dental hygiene routine, parents need to make brushing and flossing more fun. In addition, parents need to help their child become accustomed to biannual cleanings and dental exams. Once a few primary teeth emerge, parents should schedule their child’s first dental exam with one of Chloe Dental’s pediatric dentists in Katy, Texas.

The Importance of Establishing a Good Dental Hygiene Routine Early On

When a child neglects to practice good oral hygiene, the likelihood that he or she will develop a cavity, experience pain and lose a tooth prematurely, increases.

4 Tips To Help a Child Establish a Good Dental Hygiene Routine

1. Brush and Floss Together

Since toddlers love mimicking their parents, consider completing this task at the same time. By watching a parent brushing and flossing, the child recognizes that everyone needs to care for their teeth. Some parents find it helpful to allow the child to brush their teeth, while they brush the child’s teeth. Be sure to use a traditional toothbrush while playing this game. An electric toothbrush could be somewhat messy (and potentially dangerous).

2. Act Silly

While brushing and flossing, parents can amuse their little ones with silly faces. These funny faces may even make brushing and flossing something that a small child looks forward to.

3. Empower Your Child

Sometimes, empowering a child makes brushing and flossing more enjoyable. For example, while at the store, parents can take their child down the dental care aisle so he or she can choose several toothbrushes. However, before purchasing them, make sure all the toothbrushes have the American Dental Associations’ (ADA’s) Seal of Acceptance.

4. Choose the Lucky Toothbrush

When it is time to brush, let the child decide which toothbrush to use. Make the child feel like every time he or she selects a toothbrush, the chosen toothbrush is lucky because it gets to help keep his or her teeth healthy. In addition, consider asking if the child would like to name his or her new toothbrushes.

By following a daily oral hygiene routine, and bringing your child to see a Chloe Dental dentist in Katy, Texas, you are helping establish an oral health routine that is likely to last a lifetime. To schedule your child’s appointment at the Katy, Texas, location, please call 281-578-3300. If you would rather use an online form to request an appointment, please click here.

Does Your Child Need to See An Orthodontist? 4 Signs

Does your child need to see an orthodontist? Would you know if they did? Many parents are unaware of the signs that their child needs orthodontic treatment. Knowing what to look for can help you decide when it’s time to bring your child to the dentist in Katy and Houston.

By getting your child treatment early, you can avoid some of the long-term problems that can occur when your child has crooked teeth and other orthodontic problems. Here’s what to watch for.

1. Misalignment of the Jaw

Misalignment of the jaw is a problem that isn’t always noticeable to parents, but other times this problem is very obvious. For example, if your child’s lower jaw sticks out beyond the upper row of teeth, this is a sign that the jaw is misaligned. Orthodontic treatment may be able to help.

2. Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth occur when there are too many teeth in too small of a space. Crowded teeth are a problem in a variety of ways, because they’re hard to clean and can make chewing difficult. You’ll be able to tell your child’s teeth are crowded by the way they bunch up together, instead of lining the jaw in a straight row.

3. Lisp

Sometimes orthodontic problems can cause a lisp, making speaking difficult. If your child has trouble pronouncing certain letters, this could be because of the shape of their mouth and alignment of their teeth.

4. Jaw Pain

Poorly aligned teeth can lead to jaw pain. If your child complains about jaw pain, pay attention!

Think your child may need orthodontic treatment like braces in Katy and Houston? Contact Chloe Dental today to make an appointment and have your child seen by a professional.

Is Your Child Ready For Their First Dentist Appointment?

Your child’s first dentist appointment should be a positive experience. After all, your child’s first trip to the dentist can establish a life-long trust in the dentist, which can help set up your child for maintaining good oral hygiene.

Seeing the dentist the for the first time can make some kids nervous, while others are uncomfortable around adults they don’t know. There are many things you can do to ensure that your child’s first trip to the dentist starts off right. Here’s what to know when taking your child to the dentist for pediatric dental services in Katy TX.

When to Bring Your Child to the Dentist

It’s important to know what to expect when you bring your child to the dentist for the first time. Depending on your child’s age, the dental appointment may be a very short examination of your child’s few existing teeth, or the appointment may consist of a more extensive cleaning. You will be allowed to be with your child either way, so you can provide some comfort and reassurance.

How to Pick a Pediatric Dentist

The dentist you choose for your child’s first visit is important! Look for a dentist with pediatric experience, who knows how to reassure pediatric patients and make them feel comfortable. To find a pediatric dentist for your child, call dentists in your area and ask them about their experience serving young patients.

How to Prepare Your Child

Tell your child days in advance that they’ll be going to the dentist. You can help them get used to the idea by telling your child about your own experiences with the dentist in Katy, TX. Preparing your child will help set them up for success.

Pediatric Dentistry in Katy, TX

At a young age, children must be trained to practice proper oral care to ensure a healthy mouth and prevent oral diseases. Here at Chloe Dental, our utmost concern is to provide the best treatment for your child. We serve Katy, Houston, Cypress, Brookshire, Jersey Village, Mission Bend, and Surrounding Areas.

Pediatric Dentistry treats and prevents a range of diseases of children, infants, and teens. Since children are most likely to be scared of dental appointments, pediatric dentistry is specialized in providing a comfortable experience to young patients.

Pediatric Dentistry Treatments


Dental sealants are treatments used to reduce the risk of developing decay and cavities. It is a thin plastic coating that acts as a protective barrier and is adhered to the molars.


Tooth decay is a general issue for children, and this can be fixed by Fillings. A Dental Filling is used to repair a damaged tooth to restore its structure and function.

Fluoride Application

Fluoride is a natural mineral applied to the teeth to keep the enamel strong. It helps to prevent tooth damage by fighting off acid attacks. Fluoride application is painless, so the process is suitable for children.


A dental crown is a cap-like material used to cover the teeth. It adds protection to the damaged tooth to prevent further complications. Crowns are designed to match the tooth’s color, so, it appears to be natural.

Emergency Dentistry

Dental Emergency such as a fractured and loose tooth requires immediate attention to prevent further damage. Emergency dentistry focuses on dental issues requiring immediate treatment.

Phase One Orthodontics

Orthodontic issues are easier to restore and corrected if they’re detected and treated early. The interceptive orthodontic procedure helps prevent severe dental problems in the future. Phase one Orthodontics includes altering the bite and chewing, guiding correct growth and position of the jaw bone, and it reduces the risk of teeth damage.

Advantages of Pediatric Dentistry

  • Early detection of oral problems
  • Development of good oral habits
  • Keeps healthy oral condition
  • Helps the children to be responsible for their oral health

Pediatric Dentistry plays a vital role in maintaining excellent oral condition among children. Children who keep their mouths clean are likely to develop excellent oral health that they can keep for the rest of their lives.

For your child’s dental care, visit us at Chloe Dental. Avail of our Pediatric Dentistry Services in Katy, TX. Contact us at (281) 816-9006. We are located at 3950 N. Fry Road #600, Katy, TX 77449.