Preparing For Oral Surgery

When you need oral surgery in Houston, TX, there are some things you can do at home to prepare for the procedure. Whether you’re having oral surgery to get wisdom teeth removed or for some other reason, the better prepared you are, the better the outcome.

Ask Questions

The first thing you should do is to make sure you fully understand what will happen with the procedure. This will help you to manage expectations. You should ask as many questions as necessary, such as what to expect, potential risks and the recover process. The more educated you are, the more seamless the experience will be!

Eat Well

Be sure to take care of your general health in the weeks leading up to your oral surgery. Strive to eat a nutritious diet abundant with fresh foods, vegetables and water. Do what you can to avoid junk food, which is notoriously salty, and full of chemicals. The better your health is, the easier time you’ll have with the recovery after oral surgery.

Avoid Alcohol

If you drink, try to avoid alcohol until after you recover from the surgery. Alcohol is very dehydrating and it can also lead to inflammation inside the body. Both of these can make your recovery time take longer.

Stock Up

Prepare your home for when you return after the surgery. Get all your laundry done so your bed is clean and comfy. Place items near the bed that you’ll need, like fresh water, tissues, books, etc. You won’t want to be running to a supermarket, so stock up on groceries, too.

Finally, be sure you follow all the preparatory instructions from your Houston, TX dentist. By following all these steps, and taking a little bit of time to get ready, your oral surgery can go as smoothly as possible.

How to Prepare for Your Oral Surgery

Whether you need wisdom teeth removal or need an implant, you will need the services of a Houston or Katy oral surgeon. Once you have found the right provider, you need to prepare yourself mentally and physically for your procedure. Here are some tips from the team at Chloe Dental.

Learn Your Needs

Talk to your oral surgeon well before your surgery to know what you need to do to prepare. Then, follow all instructions. This is the best thing you can do to prepare for your surgery.

Get a Ride

Many types of oral surgery require general anesthesia. If yours does, you will need someone to drive you home after the procedure. Even for procedures done under local anesthesia, you may want to have a ride in case you have pain or complications.

Dress the Part

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and something that makes it easy to access your arms for your IV. Even if you aren’t going under, your nurse may take vitals, and a short-sleeved shirt makes that easier and more accurate.

Be on Time

Try to arrive at the surgery center 20 minutes before your procedure. There is often last-minute paperwork to fill out, and that will help you settle in and get started on time. Running late will add to your stress and make the entire day less productive. Getting there early also allows you to ask any lingering questions about your procedure.

At Chloe Dental, our team is here to make your oral surgery as comfortable and convenient as possible. If you have any questions or need to schedule a procedure, reach out to our dentists in Katy and Houston today for help. You can also conveniently schedule your appointment online.