The Uses and Benefits of 3-D Dental Printing  

Did you know a 3-D printer could be used by your dentist in Katy, TX to provide you with a better, more cost-effective dental experience? That’s right! The concept of 3-D printing is being used for dentistry in almost endless ways.

This is still a relatively new technology, but it continues to grow and evolve and will be the predominant technology of the future. In fact, 3-D printing technology is expected to be used for more than 60 percent of all dental production needs by the year 2025.

What Do 3-D Dental Printers Do?

A 3-D dental printer uses a laser along with computer-guided precision to help produce small objects with intricate details more easily and accurately in four simple steps.

  • Scan
  • Design
  • Print
  • Prepare

The Benefits of 3-D Dental Printing

Here are some of the benefits of 3-D dental printing in Katy, TX.

1. Less Expensive for Dentists

Using a 3-D dental printer versus installing an in-office dental lab is much less expensive for a dentist.

2. Less Expensive for Patients

Since the dentist is saving money by using a 3-D dental printer, they can pass that saving onto their patients.

3. Dental and Orthopedic Services are More Accurate and Faster

Manually crafting dental models is time-consuming. However, using a 3-D dental printer is faster because it can print multiple appliances at one time. Additionally, a 3-D printer is more accurate because it takes digital images and converts them into physical objects. It does this by printing 16 extremely thin layers of whatever it’s printing, one on top of the other. This benefits both the dentist and the patient.

What’s Next?

If you are looking for a dentist in Katy, TX, please Contact Chloe Dental today. We offer the most advanced dental care in the industry and pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality of personalized care to all our patients.


4 Reasons to See the Dentist as Soon As Possible  

Do you know when it’s time to see the dentist in Houston, TX? Your dentist can help you with pain, swelling, loss of a permanent tooth – or even something as minor as bad breath. Knowing when it’s appropriate to see the dentist can help you take care of your teeth. Below, we’ve recorded four scenarios when you should see the dentist.

1. Lost or Loose Permanent Tooth

No one should lose a permanent tooth. If you lose a permanent tooth, you’re having a dental emergency – call your dentist to let them know you’re on your way. If you’ve noticed that your permanent tooth is loose, make an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible.

2. Tooth Pain

Tooth pain could be a sign of several problems – from cavities to an infection. If you’re having tooth pain, don’t wait to see your dentist. If you have an infection, your tooth could be at risk. An infected tooth can even put other aspects of your health at risk. Call your dentist as soon as possible.

3. Swelling

Swelling in the mouth, cheek or gums could be a sign of an infection – especially if the swelling is accompanied by pain. Don’t wait to call the dentist – make the call.

4. Bad Breath

Bad breath isn’t a dental emergency, but it is a problem! It may be that you need to change your oral hygiene routine – or you may need to get a deep cleaning of your teeth. To find out more about getting rid of bad breath, all your dentist at Chloe dental to make an appointment for preventative care in Houston, TX.


Do I Really Need to See the Dentist Every 6 Months?  

How often do you go to the dentist? If you’re not seeing the dentist in Katy and Houston every six months, then you could be negatively impacting your oral hygiene! Seeing the dentist twice per year is important for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. If you haven’t been keeping up with your dental appointments, here’s what you need to know.

Benefits of Seeing the Dentist Every 6 Months

There are many benefits of getting a dental exam in Katy and Houston every six months!

  • Catch oral problems in their early stages. Your dentist will be able to identify oral hygiene problems before they become serious, so you can get treatment.
  • Keep your teeth looking beautiful. Teeth can get stained if they’re not kept clean. Going to your dentist on a regular basis can prevent this from happening!
  • Prevent pain. When you catch oral hygiene problems in their early stages, you can prevent painful problems like cavities and infections. Seeing the dentist regularly can make chewing and smiling more comfortable overall.

What to Expect When Seeing the Dentist

When you see the dentist, you’ll get a cleaning every time. The oral hygienist will scrape plaque and tartar away from the teeth. You may get a fluoride treatment and x-rays, and your dentist may provide you with a dental exam to check for problems like cavities, cracked teeth and more. Let the dental professionals know if you have any questions about your dental health, or if you need a tutorial on tooth brushing.

Make An Appointment Today

Want to keep your teeth healthy? Make an appointment with Chloe Dental today. Our dental professionals can help you maintain healthy teeth while avoiding stains, cavities and more. Call to make an appointment.


How 3D Dental Printing Can Change Your Dental Crown Experience

When a tooth is damaged, severely decayed, or otherwise breaking down, dental crown treatment in Katy, TX can be the single thing that allows you to keep that tooth. While effective, dental crowns have not always been practical because of the time involved in treatment. Thankfully, the development of 3D printing technology makes the dental crown a far more convenient treatment option for most patients.

More Precise Fit

When using a 3D printer to create a custom crown for a patient, the dentist first uses in-depth scanning and mapping software that can assess every angle of the existing tooth. This information, which is a series of extremely accurate measurements, is then fed into the printer so the printer “knows” what shape the crown should be for the proper fit. The process is much more advanced than the standard mold or impression that is traditionally used to create a dental crown.

Faster Treatment

Perhaps the most desirable aspect of dental crown treatment that has changed due to the use of in-office 3D printing software and equipment is the fact that treatment times are substantially shortened. The normal process for getting a dental crown involves the dentist taking measurements, sending those measurements to a lab, and then waiting for the crown to be completed. With 3D printing, the crown can be produced literally in a matter of minutes while the patient waits.

More Natural Appearance

When a crown is made in such a precise way to align with the underlying tooth and the surrounding teeth, it is less likely to appear unnatural. While a well-made crown that is not 3D printed can be adjusted to be almost as streamlined, there is simply no match for the crown created using advanced technology.

Talk to a Katy Dentist About 3D Dental Crowns

Do you have a tooth that could use the protection of a crown? At Chloe Dental, we are a Katy dentist that can help. Contact our office today to discuss options for same-day crowns.

What to Expect from Your Oral Surgery

Oral surgery sounds foreboding, and you may envision a painful procedure that takes hours to complete. In reality, however, oral surgery is simple and mostly painless. You’ll receive anesthesia before most oral surgeries, so you’ll have no pain. And while you may experience some discomfort afterward, your dentist in Katy, TX,will provide prescription or over-the-counter medication to make you comfortable.

What Happens Before Oral Surgery?

Before your dentist refers you to an oral surgeon, they’ll meet with you for a consultation. They’ll usually take X-rays and perform diagnostic tests to determine why you’re experiencing tooth or jaw pain. In some instances, you may not have pain at all, but oral surgery is still necessary to prevent problems in the future. This is usually true for wisdom tooth extraction.

You will also consult with your oral surgeon in Katy, TX, before your surgery, and they’ll take a brief medical history. They may ask you which type of sedation you prefer and whether you’re allergic to any medication. They’ll then give you a list of pre-operative instructions and schedule your oral surgery for a future date.

What to Expect on the Day of Your Oral Surgery

On the day of your surgery, you’ll want to forego breakfast. Your pre-operative instructions will likely mention the need to fast from midnight on. You’ll also want to have another licensed driver with you to take you home afterward.

If you elected sedation, you’ll be unconscious during your surgery. Afterward, your oral surgeon will provide you with a list of care instructions for your incisions, to prevent problems such as infection or dry socket.

If you think you may need oral surgery in Katy, TX, contact Chloe Dental today. We’ll book an appointment that fits your schedule and consult with you to determine whether oral surgery is a sound solution.

The Effects of Periodontal Disease on Your Smile

Periodontal disease is a fancy way of saying your gums are infected. Also called gum disease, this condition usually happens as a result of inadequate brushing and flossing. It’s estimated that around 65 million people suffer from gum disease, so if you have it, you’re far from alone. Your dentist in Katy, TX, can help alleviate the symptoms of gum disease and reverse the damaging effects it has on your smile.

What Does Periodontal Disease Look Like?

Symptoms of periodontal disease include red, or swollen gums, gums that bleed during brushing or when you bite into solid food, such as an apple. Gums may hurt, also. And in some instances, they may recede from the teeth. This can cause teeth to loosen and fall out. If you have gum disease, you may suffer from chronic bad breath or sensitive teeth. It may hurt to chew, also.

These issues can impact the way you feel about your smile, as well as how your smile appears to others. Inflamed gums may be visible when you talk or grin. You may also lose confidence in your smile if you struggle with bad breath.

How Is Periodontal Disease Treated?

Your dentist in Katy, TX, can treat most forms of gum disease by cleaning your teeth and gums thoroughly. This usually entails a procedure called scaling and root planing. Your periodontist will use instruments to scrape away the build-up of plaque and tarter. You’ll follow up at home with improved dental hygiene procedures, and your gums will typically begin to heal.

If you need treatment for periodontal disease in Katy, TX, book an appointment with Chloe Dental today. Our friendly and experienced dental professionals can treat gum disease before it becomes a chronic condition.

Do You Get Bleeding Gums When Brushing? Try These Treatments.

The taste of blood in your mouth after brushing your teeth can make you gag. Try these methods to treat bleeding gums when brushing your teeth.

In 2017, 64% of adults in the United States visited a dental clinic. The recommended frequency of oral checkup is at least two times in a year. You don’t have to wait for extreme gum disease symptoms to seek treatment.

Bleeding gums is one of the most common oral health problems. In its mild form, gum bleeding should not cause panic. Yet, failure to improve your oral hygiene or see a dentist can lead to severe gum diseases.

Bleeding when flossing or brushing your teeth is an unpleasant experience. The taste of blood in your mouth after brushing your teeth can make you gag. Try these methods to treat bleeding gums when brushing your teeth.

1. Improve Your Oral Hygiene

If your gums have been bleeding, it’s probably time to assess your oral hygiene practices. Gum inflammation mainly results from plaque buildup along the gum. Failure to floss and brush adequately leads to the spread of bacteria, leading to gum disease and tooth decay.

You can improve your oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day. Ensure that you brush gently to avoid hurting your gums. The right toothpaste and toothbrush are a prerequisite for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums.

Floss once a day and oil pull as necessary. Removing the bacteria between your teeth is an essential practice. Regular dental checkups are also necessary for the early detection of gum diseases.

2. A Healthy Diet

Your diet determines if you’ll have bleeding gums when brushing. If you’re a sweet tooth, the sugary stuff you indulge in is to blame for bleeding gums. The sugar you consume in foods is ideal for plaque formation.

Simple carbohydrates are also culprits in gum bleeding. You can take sweets and simple carbs in moderation. Ensure that you brush your teeth after that to prevent the sugar from sticking.

Bleeding gums can be a manifestation of Vitamin K and Vitamin C deficiencies. If you’re confident that your oral care is spectacular, check the Vitamins K and C levels. You will need to increase the intake of foods rich in both vitamins.

Most of the leafy greens such as spinach, kales, and watercress are great sources of Vitamin K. You can get Vitamin C from a range of citrus fruits, potatoes, and broccoli. Include crunchy vegetables such as carrots to help remove debris from teeth.

3. Use Hydrogen Peroxide

If you’ve been using hydrogen peroxide solely for cuts, you’re missing out on the indispensable dental benefits of this solution. Hydrogen peroxide on gums can reduce plaque. It kills the bacteria that cause gum diseases.

The anaerobic bacteria between your teeth can’t survive the oxygen released by hydrogen peroxide. The solution further destroys the plaque barrier. Once you apply hydrogen peroxide, 10 minutes are enough to regain your healthy smile.

Don’t wait to have gum disease to use hydrogen peroxide. Applying the solution can reverse early gum infection. Use a soft-bristled brush to apply the hydrogen peroxide, rinse and floss your teeth.

Consult with your dentist before using higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Avoid ingesting the product. If unsure of how to go about using hydrogen peroxide for bleeding gums treatment, seek clarity from a professional.

4. Cold Compress

Gum diseases can increase the risk of hypertension by up to 20%. For most people, gum diseases can be a source of stress and discomfort. A cold compress might offer a temporary solution.

A cold compress is one of the treatments of the bleeding gums that can give you instant relief. This option applies when the gum bleeds out of injury or trauma. It is ineffective when dealing with advanced gum disease.

Applying a cold compress on the gum line reduces swelling. It further stops the gum from bleeding because of blood flow restriction. If you have recurring bleeding gums when brushing, you can apply a cold cloth or an ice pack several times a day.

5. Check Your Toothbrush

When was the last time you changed your toothbrush? Well, most dental professionals recommend a change of toothbrush every three months. You shouldn’t wait for the bristles to fray.

Hard toothbrush bristles hurt your gums. Getting the right toothbrush is one of the inexpensive treatment measures that can prevent bleeding gums. Your toothbrush should have soft and blunt bristles to prevent enamel agitation.

Brush your teeth through gentle circular motions to prevent gum erosion. Vigorous front and back motions can cause further bleeding.

6. Take Green Tea

Bleeding gums without brushing or when brushing can be confusing. It is crucial to adopt healthy lifestyles, such as drinking green tea daily. The catechin in green tea can stop gum inflammation and bleeding, besides reversing periodontal disease.

A worry related to the regular consumption of green tea is teeth staining. Yet, there is no conclusive evidence on the adverse effects of green tea intake. In fact, green tea has overall health effects on your body.

7. Visit a Dentist

Bleeding gums when brushing necessitate the attention of a dentist. While cosmetic dentistry can improve your smile, you should seek professional dental care when your gums start to bleed. A dentist will examine you to diagnose any case of advanced periodontitis.

A visit to the dentist can give you alternative treatments such as deep cleaning, laser dentistry, or periodontal surgery. Deep cleaning removes tartar, leading to gum healing. A lab test can also identify any case of vitamin deficiencies that cause your gums to bleed.

Home remedies should not substitute medical advice. Ensure that you visit your dentist when gum bleeding seems persistent. Don’t ignore gum bleeding that takes more than ten days.

Bleeding Gums When Brushing Requires the Attention of a Dentist

For most people, bleeding gums when brushing is a normal occurrence. Yet, the condition can be a sign of progressing periodontal disease. Besides practicing oral hygiene practices, see a dentist.

Most of the stages of periodontitis are irreversible. Once your dentist detects the gum bleeding, early treatment can save you the trauma. An adverse effect on your smile can hinder the quality of your life.

For all your dental needs, contact us today.

Top 5 Ways to Fix Teeth Discoloration

Are your teeth not quite pearly or white? Don’t worry, we have five easy solutions to make your teeth whiter and brighter.

Did you know that one-third of Americans are unhappy with their smile? That statistic includes more than teeth discoloration but having yellow teeth was definitely a complaint from survey respondents.

Are you one of that 1/3? Have you tried or looked at trying commercial whitening strips in the past, but found them too expensive or inefficient? If yes — that’s because there are better ways to fix teeth discoloration, like by talking to your dentist about it.

Want to know what your dentist would suggest if you asked them about yellow teeth? Read about the dentist-approved methods below.

1. Reduce Consumption of Staining Foods

While you can’t go back and time and un-eat or un-drink all the things you’ve consumed in the past, you can prevent your teeth discoloration from getting worse. This is especially important if you use one of the more efficient teeth whitening methods below, as you’ll want to protect your investment.

Some of the worst foods that turn your pearly whites into yellowy whites are…

Black Coffee

The issue with coffee isn’t so much its dark color, but its high acidity. That acidity hurts your enamel, which, in turn, allows the color to discolor your teeth.

We’re not suggesting you stop drinking coffee. We know that’s unrealistic and mean to suggest. Instead, try adding a little more milk or creamer to your cup of joe. Milk and creamers (and some plant milk) have fats in them, which reduces the effect of the coffee’s acidity on your teeth.

Red Wine

Alas, it’s true. Dark wine can discolor your teeth if you drink enough of it. Instead of turning them yellow, however, they get a little blue. Just ask the French, who have this problem often.

If you’re going to keep drinking red wine, make sure to rinse by drinking water afterward and ask your dentist for a neutralizing mouthwash recommendation.

Cutting back on wine, coffee, and other foods that are bad for your teeth won’t retroactively whiten them, but they can help you keep your new teeth (see below) healthy for longer.

2. Get Regular Cleanings

It’s possible that you have naturally white teeth but that they’re hiding under all that plaque. Plaque is a substance that builds up on your teeth when you eat, drink, and just generally live your life.

It’s a film of bacteria that builds up and can be taken care of by regular brushing and flossing. If it builds up for too long or you’re not doing a good job brushing, it can cause tooth decay, discoloration, gum disease, and increased tartar build-up.

Plaque and tartar are what your hygienist removes from the cracks of your teeth when they use the scraping tool during cleanings.

If you’re thinking, “but I do brush my teeth!”, it’s possible you don’t brush them well. You should be brushing twice a day for 2 minutes each time.

Ask your hygienist or dentist if you’re missing a certain area of your teeth while brushing to improve your technique — no one is perfect, and they’ll respect you for asking!

3. Get a Professional Whitening Done

The most effective way to fix tooth decoloration, at least, without getting “new” teeth, is to get professional whitening done at your local dentist office.

Your dentist will prescribe a specific treatment strength and length for you, based on the types of teeth stains you have and your sensitivity levels. Those are two things you won’t get from at-home whitening kits, which are made to be much stronger than they need to be.

If you’ve ever used one, you probably remember having heightened sensitivity or even pain after going through a course of at-home whitening treatments. While in-clinic treatments aren’t perfect, they’re a lot less likely to cause you pain — during the treatment and after.

Think that getting your teeth professionally whitened will take too long? Our clinic prides itself on being fast and efficient, without losing quality. We’ll get it done as quickly as possible so you can get back to your day, with your teeth shining.

4. Veneers

Sometimes whitening isn’t the best option. Either it would take too many treatments to fix the types of teeth stains that are part of your tooth discoloration issues or you have sensitivity issues.

If that’s the case, look into getting veneers. They’ve come a long way since you heard about them (or even got them) as a child and the process is getting more pleasant.

If you have white stains on teeth, veneers are a better option than whitening, as whitening teeth can just make those stains whiter.

The veneers we use are custom porcelain, which we custom-shape to your teeth using CAD/CAM technology.

Additionally, the coating on our veneers is stain-resistant, so you don’t have to add that much milk or creamer to your coffee as we suggested above.

Are you dealing with more issues than just teeth discoloration? Veneers are multi-use. They can help create the appearance of closing gaps between teeth, reshape a crooked tooth without painful drilling, and aren’t as involved as getting dental implants (though those are sometimes necessary).

Veneers are something our dentists specialize in, so let the team know if you’re interested in them at your next appointment or by calling our office staff.

5. Full Mouth Restoration or Smile Makeover

Technically these are two different procedures, but people use the terms interchangeably. To clarify, a full-mouth restoration includes more than addressing cosmetic damage and may include dental implants, extensive dental work, and possibly surgery.

A smile makeover, on the other hand, is mostly cosmetic. It could include braces, teeth whitening, getting veneers , or a combination of the three.

Your dentist will help you decide which treatment is right for you based on your specific concerns. Call today to set up a quick consultation and squeeze in a cleaning while you’re at it — you know you’re due for one (most adults are).

Addressing Teeth Discoloration: The Root of the Problem

Part of fixing teeth discoloration is figuring out what made it possible in the first place. Of course, some age-related discoloration is normal, as our teeth age over time.

But if you think your teeth are more yellow or you have more teeth discoloration than other people your age, talk to your dentist about it. They can help you whiten your smile and keep it from getting re-discolored after treatment.

Ready to book an appointment? Call now.

Reasons Why You Need Regular Dental Checkups in Katy, TX

Flossing and brushing are not enough to protect our teeth from bacteria and cavities. Every individual needs to visit the dentist for thorough dental checkups. Chloe Dental offers Regular Dental Checkups in Katy, Texas with the use of advanced dental tools to ensure proper dental checkups. Ideally, to maintain excellent oral health, a regular check-up every six months is essential.

Here are some of the important reasons why you need to have regular dental checkups:

Keep Your Teeth Clean

Even if you brush regularly, there are still hidden spaces that brushing and flossing will miss. These hidden areas are prone to bacteria and cavities. For instance, if plaque buildup is left untreated, it will become solid and then turn into tartar that is difficult to remove. Professional teeth cleaning ensures that all parts of your mouth are free of bacteria, food debris, plaque and tartar to reduce the risk of dental problems.

Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer is one of the severe diseases and is not easily noticeable. Fortunately, with regular dental checkups, an early diagnosis of this disease can prevent the progression. By recognizing oral cancer as early as possible, it can be treated successfully.

Detection of Gum Disease

Plaque and tartar build-ups will cause not only tooth decay but also gum disease. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums caused by bacterias or tartar buildup. With regular dental checkups, gingivitis can be detected and treated.

Keep away bad habits

Some habits like excessive smoking, chewing ice, biting your nails, clenching your jaw, eating particularly sticky or hard sweets, brushing teeth too hard, drinking coffee and red wine can cause dental problems. With regular dental checkups, your dentist will take time to educate you on how these habits will affect your dental hygiene. It allows you to change your lifestyle choice to prevent further damage.

Detect Dental Problems with X-rays

In regular dental checkups, a dental x-ray is necessary. It allows your dentist to detect problems that are not visible to the naked eye like damaged jawbone or impacted teeth so they can give proper treatments.

Regular dental checkups are necessary to keep your dental health and overall health protected. Make it the best habit to visit your dentist to prevent further dental complications.

You deserve outstanding dental care services. We provide Regular Dental Checkups in Katy, TX. Book your appointments at (281) 816-9006 and let us help you achieve beautiful and healthy teeth!