What Are Crowded Teeth? 

When your mouth doesn’t have enough room for your teeth, we call this condition “crowded teeth.” Crowded teeth are a problem that needs correction from your dentist in Katy and Houston, TX. Depending on the severity and other factors, your dentist may recommend orthodontic interventions like braces or clear aligners.

Why Crowded Teeth Are a Problem

Crowded teeth are a problem because teeth that have no room to grow straight will grow crooked instead. Teeth may also grow on top of each other, making cleaning them very difficult. People who cannot floss and brush their teeth appropriately may be at higher risk for cavities and other oral health problems.

What You Can Do About Crowded Teeth

If you have crowded teeth, your dentist may take various steps to correct the problem. Sometimes, teeth with no room in the mouth are extracted to make space for other teeth.

Your dentist may also recommend braces or clear aligners. Braces are tools that attach brackets to the teeth. These brackets are then connected by wires and rubber bands that slowly apply pressure to force the teeth into the correct position.

Clear aligners are similar to braces in that they use pressure to move the teeth into the correct position, but clear aligners are worn over the teeth and can easily be removed by the wearer.

Have Crowded Teeth? Get Help

Crowded teeth can impact your smile and make some people self-conscious about how they look. Crowded teeth are also bad for your oral hygiene. You can get this problem corrected with clear aligners or braces in Katy and Houston, TX. Call Chloe Dental today to make an appointment and learn more.

Protecting Your Teeth From Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are one of the most common reasons cited for the need foremergency dental services in Houston, TX. When you have a dental emergency, you should contact your dentist at Chloe Dental right away. When you call and explain what’s happened to our friendly dental staff, we can advise you on the best next steps. Of course, being proactive and avoiding the injury is the best thing. Here are some tips on protecting your teeth from sports injuries.

Wear a Mouth Guard

A properly fitted mouthguard is one of the most effective ways to protect your teeth during sports activities. Mouth guards act as a cushion, absorbing the impact of blows to the face and reducing the risk of dental injuries. There are three main types of mouthguards: stock, boil-and-bite, and custom-fitted mouthguards. Custom-fitted mouth guards, made by a dentist, offer the best fit and protection.

Play in Well-lit Areas

Sports injuries often occur at home in non-professional settings. Often, play begins in daylight and continues into nightfall. When darkness descends, be sure to turn on outdoor spotlights, driveway lights, and any other lighting that may be available. This helps to prevent stray street hockey sticks and other equipment from hitting players in the mouth.

Protect Younger Players

It’s great to involve younger players in sports. But if larger players are present, the play may be too aggressive for youngsters to keep up with. Be sure to take a protective stance toward younger players, siblings, and neighbors’ children. They may not know enough about the game not to stand too close behind a softball hitter, for instance.

Even with these tips, sports injuries will happen. The best you can do is have the number of yourdentist in Houston, TX, on hand to call when you need us. We’re here to help with all of your emergency dental needs!

Jaw Pain on One Side: What’s Causing It?

Jaw pain on one side can be annoying, particularly if you can’t point out a reason for it. We’ll look at the possible reasons why you might want to see adentist in Houston, TX, to learn more about the root cause.

1. Sinus Issues
When your sinuses become inflamed, they pressure your cheeks. The more pressure, the more likely you are to feel in your jaw as well. Sinusitis is most often associated with a cold, but you can develop it with allergies or other conditions. If your jaw pain is also accompanied by mucus, congestion, and fatigue, you may find your jaw pain clears up once your sinuses do.

2. Dental Disorders
Teeth and gum issues can manifest as jaw pain. If you’re having problems on one side, it may be due to an infected tooth or gum disease. Jaw pain can also be caused by misaligned teeth or clenching or grinding while awake or asleep. A dentist may recommend anything from a root canal to a laser gum treatment as a way to relieve the pain.

3. TMJ
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) links your skull and jaw. If it’s misaligned or otherwise damaged, you can start to feel tenderness or pain when opening your mouth or chewing your food. If an earache also accompanies the jaw pain, this is one of the biggest indicators of TMJ.

See a Dentist in Katy, TX
If you’re havingjaw pain in Katy, TX, a dentist can begin to rule out the causes so you can identify what’s really happening behind your skin. Chloe Dental has locations in Houston and Katy to help patients get the right diagnosis.

Why do Teeth Get Stained?

Every day, people come to Chloe Dental for professionalteeth whitening in Katy, TX. Everybody wants to have whiter, brighter teeth, but over time, teeth do tend to get stained. This discoloration is not only unpleasant to look at, but it can detract from the overall healthy appearance of an individual. One of the many questions that we are regularly asked is, why do teeth get stained?

Why do Teeth Get Stained?
After you have your teeth professionally whitened, you can help to keep them looking great by avoiding these common culprits:

Whether you chew tobacco, smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes, the use of tobacco will always lead to stained teeth. It’s the nicotine that discolors teeth, making them look old and yellow.

Red Wine
It’s debatable whether red wine actually has health benefits, but dentists are sure that red wine stains teeth. If you choose to imbibe, be sure to brush teeth well afterward.

Lack of Good Dental Hygiene
Speaking of brushing teeth, a lack of good dental hygiene also causes stained teeth. Plaque is a yellow-ish film that stains teeth if allowed to remain on the surface. Regular brushing and rinsing will minimize this buildup, although routine dental cleaning are still needed for healthy, whiter teeth.

Prescription Medications
If you need to take prescription medicine, you shouldn’t stop just because it may yellow teeth. Talk to your doctor if your teeth are becoming discolored to a point where it’s problematic.

The porous nature of teeth makes them susceptible to discoloration, and this can’t be avoided. But you can always have your teeth whitened at thedentist in Katy, TX. For your convenience, Chloe Dental also has a practice in Houston, TX where you can get teeth whitening. Contact us today to book your teeth whitening services at your nearest location!

Is a Loose Tooth Considered a Dental Emergency?

A loose tooth can be a source of anxiety, whether it happens to an adult or a child. While it’s normal for children to lose their baby teeth, the situation can be more alarming for adults. Understanding when a loose tooth is a dental emergency is crucial for maintaining good oral health.

What Causes a Loose Tooth?
Several factors can lead to a loose tooth. The most common causes in adults include gum disease, which can weaken the structures that hold teeth in place. Trauma to the mouth, such as from sports injuries or accidents, can also result in a loose tooth. Other factors like teeth grinding (bruxism) or a misaligned bite can contribute to this condition.

Loose Tooth in Children
For children, losing teeth is a normal part of dental development. Baby teeth become loose and fall out to make way for permanent teeth. However, if a child’s tooth becomes loose due to an injury or is accompanied by pain and swelling, it’s wise to consult a dentist on an emergency basis for immediate treatment.

When Is a Loose Tooth a Dental Emergency in Adults?
For adults, a loose tooth is more concerning. It’s rarely part of a normal process and often indicates a dental problem. If your tooth suddenly becomes loose, especially if it’s accompanied by pain, swelling, or bleeding, it’s crucial to see a dentist as soon as possible. These symptoms could indicate severe gum disease or infection, which requires prompt treatment to prevent tooth loss and other complications.

Prompt treatment by adentist in Houston, TX, is essential in certain cases to ensure the best outcome for your oral health. Remember, preserving your natural teeth is a priority for you and your dentist. Contact us to book yourHouston, TX, emergency dentist appointment.

Options for Teeth Straightening

It’s the condition and placement of your teeth that makes your smile beautiful. That’s why, if you have misaligned teeth or teeth that show gaps in between, it’s time to see yourdentist in Katy, TX. At Chloe Dental, we have easy teeth straightening solutions that will revolutionize how you feel about your smile. Schedule a consultation today.

How Your Dentist Can Straighten Your Teeth
Most people’s thoughts turn to braces when someone mentions straighter teeth. But braces are not the only solution. And even braces may look far different from what you’re picturing. While traditional metal braces are usually affordable, your dentist will be happy to tell you about ceramic braces, clear aligners, and braces that affix to the reverse side of teeth to make them less noticeable.

Which Option Is Best for You?
You and your orthodontist will work together to decide which option is best for straightening your teeth. Regardless of which solution you choose, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your smile is getting straighter every day. And teeth that are perfectly aligned make it much easier to bite and chew. Some of the options your dentist may discuss include:

Metal Braces
Traditional and usually more affordable, metal braces use metal brackets that attach to the front of teeth and are connected by wires.

Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces work the same as metal braces, but the brackets are tooth-colored, and the wires are clear, making them less noticeable.

Lingual Braces
Lingual braces use brackets placed on the reverse side of your teeth. They’re still connected by wires, but they’re much less visible.

Clear Aligners
Clear aligners use a series of clear plastic trays to straighten teeth incrementally.

Get Straighter Teeth in Katy, TX
For more information onteeth straightening in Katy, TX, call Chloe Dental today.

Recovering After a Sinus Lift – What To Expect

If you’ve had a sinus lift in Houston, TX or you’re thinking of getting one done, you should know that the procedure can make a huge difference to your quality of life. The higher your sinus floor, the more likely you’ll be able to develop the bone you need for dental implants in Katy, TX. If you’re concerned about the aftercare, we’ll look at what you can do to speed the healing process along.

What to Expect

Right after the surgery, you’ll be expected to swallow your saliva, as this will slow or stop the residual bleeding (which will aid in recovery). You won’t be able to drink through a straw, blow your nose, or spit for at least a week, nor will you be able to sneeze through your nose because this will put pressure on the wound. (It is possible to sneeze through your mouth, though you’ll need to be very conscious of it for the week after the surgery.)

As you might expect, you’ll also need to avoid smoking of any kind or opening your mouth too wide after the procedure. After the week is up, you won’t be able to wear any type of prosthetic teeth (e.g., dentures, etc.) for up to another week. You’ll need to chew soft foods only on the opposite side of your mouth, and you’ll need to avoid the area with your toothbrush. (You can rinse your mouth with mouthwash on both sides.)

Find a Sinus Lift in Katy, TX

While there are some strict rules that you’ll need to follow after a sinus lift, it’s clear that these procedures can have truly world-changing benefits. If you’re looking for an implant dentist in Katy or Houston, TX, contact the staff at Chloe Dental for more information.


What’s Causing My Teeth to Turn Yellow?

Tooth enamel stains can be frustrating, no doubt about it. If you have teeth that are slowly turning yellow, it helps to understand the cause, and what you can do about it. There are many ways to get whiter teeth in Katy and Houston TX. Start by working with your dentist at Chloe Dental. Below are a few things you should know if you would like to improve the appearance of your teeth.

What Causes Teeth Stains

There are many things that cause teeth to become stained. The dark-colored foods and drinks that people consume every day are one of the primary reasons teeth turn yellow. Coffee, tea, tomato sauce, gravy, beets, red wine and berries are all examples of the types of things that people consume that can stain their teeth. Other potential causes include:

  • Certain medications and medical treatments (chemotherapy, for example)
  • Tobacco use
  • Poor oral hygiene habits (not seeing the dentist often enough, not cleaning teeth twice daily)

What You Can Do

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits is one way that you can help keep your teeth white. Brushing your teeth twice per day and seeing the dentist twice annually can help keep your tooth enamel free of stains.

Another way that you can maintain whiter, brighter teeth is to get your teeth professionally whitened at the dentist office. Teeth whitening from a dentist can get your teeth several shades lighter. Whitening from the dentist is an affordable and effective way to lighten your teeth.

Schedule Your Teeth Whitening Today

Would you like to get your teeth whitened? Contact your dentist in Katy and Houston TX to make an appointment. The professionals at Chloe Dental offer safe, effective teeth whitening.

Benefits of Staying With One Dentist For a Lifetime

Imagine how awful it would be if you had to start over every time you visited the dentist. Every visit would be a new round of x-rays, a new chart set up for you, and the same questions asked about your health history, again and again. That’s how it is for people who go from dentist to dentist. They miss out on all the benefits of staying with one dentist in Katy, TX for a lifetime!

Comprehensive Dental Care in Katy, TX

When you keep the same dentist your whole adult life, you can be assured of comprehensive dental care. Even if you visit the minimum times of twice a year, your dentist will be able to keep track of the progress of your dental health over the years. You’ll get whole dental care that takes into account your changing needs as time passes.

No Missed Signs

Your dentist has a chance to become familiar with your teeth and gums when you stick with the same dental provider. That means less likelihood that subtle signs of problems will go undetected. Your dentist can even notice small shifts in your teeth or new gaps that seem to be forming, often before you do!


The staff at your dentist’s office will get to know you, too. There’s nothing better than to come into your dentist’s office and be greeted by a familiar face who remembers your child’s name and asks how they’re doing. That’s what it can be like when you stay with one dentist.

Finally, there’s an easy way to feel more comfortable when visiting the dentist, and that is to stay with your Katy, TX dentist for your lifetime. We sure welcome the chance to care for your dental health for as long as possible! Contact us today to book your next appointment!

4 Qualities to Look For in a Dental Professional

Your dental professional is someone that you should be able to trust to provide quality care. Whether you’re in need of a root canal, a crown placement or even emergency dental care, you should be able to say with confidence that your dentist has your best interests in mind. As your dentist in Katy and Houston TX, we provide quality care to patients of all ages and in need of all types of dental care. Here’s what to look for in a good dental services provider.

1. Offers a Range of Services

It’s important to go to a dentist that will provide enough services that you can get all dental work you need in one spot. When you’re researching dentists in your area, look for a dentist that offers a range of services including emergency dental care, root canal service, general dental services, tooth whitening, crowns and veneers in Katy and Houston TX, and more. The more services your dentist offers, the better.

2. Convenient Hours

It’s important for your dentist to offer convenient hours, especially if you’re a busy working professional. Check your dental professional’s hours before signing up for your first dentist appointment.

3. Courteous Phone Staff

When you call the dentist, you want to be treated with respect and professionalism. Look for a dentist with courteous phone staff. If you call the dentist and don’t feel like you’re getting good customer service, it may be time to move on.

4. Convenient Location

If at all possible, work with a dental professional that has more than one location. This makes it easier to stay with the same dental organization even if you move.

Need a good dentist? Call Chloe Dental. We provide a range of services, offer convenient hours and operate in convenient locations. We also have courteous phone staff – find out for yourself when you call!