What are the Risks With Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is a tremendous and powerful tool that helps dental patients have good oral health. But it is a form of surgery and in that regard, patients should be aware that there are certain risks involved, albeit small ones. When you elect to have oral surgery in Houston and Katy, TX, your dentist will tell you everything you need to know to be healthy and strong thoughout the treatment.


The first risk from oral surgery is the anesthesia itself. Since oral surgery is an invasive treatment, you may need to be put under general anesthesia. This carries small inherent risks that your anesthesiologist will explain to you in depth.

Dry Socket

Depending upon the type of oral surgery you get, you may run the risk of developing what’s known as dry socket. This is a condition where the empty tooth socket “dries up” because it has not formed a protective blood clot. The blood clot forms as part of the healing process that enables soft tissue to form over the bone and nerve endings. When that fails to happen, dry socket happens. Dry socket can usually be prevented by following post-operative instructions carefully.

Sinus Issues

If your oral surgery is happening on your upper jaw area, there is a slight risk that you could develop some minor sinus trouble afterward. This is because the sinuses are located very close to the upper wisdom teeth. This is not a common complication, but it does happen in some cases.

Oral surgery is a well-tested and very common treatment that’s performed hundreds of thousands of times all over the world. Most patients and dentists in Houston and Katy, TX agree that the benefits of oral surgery far outweigh the risks.

All-on-4 Dental Implants Explained

If you have multiple teeth that are missing or too damaged for repair, All-on-4 dental implants may be a sound solution. All-on-4 is a patented dental procedure that implants four posts in your upper gums or 4 posts in your lower gums, or both, to hold full sets of prosthetic teeth.

The biggest benefit of All-on-4 dental implants is the improvement they make on your smile. But they function much better than damaged teeth, too, and they’re typically a more economical choice for patients who have multiple damaged or missing teeth. Your dentist in Katy, TX, can tell you more about this revolutionary procedure.

More About All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are similar to dentures in that they replace complete sets of upper or lower teeth. This is where the similarity ends, however. All-on-4 implants are permanent and don’t have to be removed for brushing, flossing, eating, or sleeping. They’re held in place by metal or titanium posts that have been allowed to bond with your jawbone, so no dental adhesive is needed, and they won’t slide around in your mouth. Better, you can have temporary prosthetics in a day while you wait for your permanent set to be fabricated.

About the All-on-4 Dental Procedure

Before beginning the All-on-4 dental procedure, your dentist will schedule a consultation. They’ll examine your mouth, perform diagnostic tests, and remove damaged teeth and infection. Once your mouth is completely healed, they’ll implant the posts and place your temporary set of teeth.

All-on-4 dental implants are safe, attractive alternatives to damaged and missing teeth. You’ll have more confidence, and your new smile will be dazzling and brilliant. Your new teeth will function just like natural teeth, and they’ll look natural, too. Talk to Chloe Dental today about All-on-4 dental implants in Katy, TX.

The Effects of Periodontal Disease on Your Smile

Periodontal disease is a fancy way of saying your gums are infected. Also called gum disease, this condition usually happens as a result of inadequate brushing and flossing. It’s estimated that around 65 million people suffer from gum disease, so if you have it, you’re far from alone. Your dentist in Katy, TX, can help alleviate the symptoms of gum disease and reverse the damaging effects it has on your smile.

What Does Periodontal Disease Look Like?

Symptoms of periodontal disease include red, or swollen gums, gums that bleed during brushing or when you bite into solid food, such as an apple. Gums may hurt, also. And in some instances, they may recede from the teeth. This can cause teeth to loosen and fall out. If you have gum disease, you may suffer from chronic bad breath or sensitive teeth. It may hurt to chew, also.

These issues can impact the way you feel about your smile, as well as how your smile appears to others. Inflamed gums may be visible when you talk or grin. You may also lose confidence in your smile if you struggle with bad breath.

How Is Periodontal Disease Treated?

Your dentist in Katy, TX, can treat most forms of gum disease by cleaning your teeth and gums thoroughly. This usually entails a procedure called scaling and root planing. Your periodontist will use instruments to scrape away the build-up of plaque and tarter. You’ll follow up at home with improved dental hygiene procedures, and your gums will typically begin to heal.

If you need treatment for periodontal disease in Katy, TX, book an appointment with Chloe Dental today. Our friendly and experienced dental professionals can treat gum disease before it becomes a chronic condition.