Entries by Chloe Dental

How do 3D Dental Scans Work?

At Chloe Dental, we make it our mission to invest in cutting edge technology so that we can offer the best possible service to our patients. One of the investments we have made is with 3D scans. As yourKaty, TX dentist, we wanted to be able to provide a safe and highly effective way to […]

Why Dental Tourism For Dental Implants is a Bad Idea

People are traveling a lot more these days, and one popular reason is called dental tourism. Dental tourism, as it’s called, is when a person travels for the express reason to get dental work done in another country. The reasons vary, but one much-touted attraction of dental tourism is cost. Many people believe they can […]

Best Treatments For Gum Disease

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is probably one of the most serious dental conditions that you can get. It comes on slowly enough that people have adequate warning with symptoms, but sometimes events unfold where it’s impossible to get help in time. If you have gum disease, it’s essential that you book an appointment with […]

 4 Signs You May be Developing Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is something that no one wants to get. And the fact is, it’s completely avoidable. Yet, each year, many people all over the world are diagnosed with this serious dental condition. Periodontal disease doesn’t just happen overnight. It can take years to develop, so there’s ample opportunity to stop its progression. Here are […]

4 Signs Your Teeth Are Shifting

Teeth shifting refers to a phenomenon where teeth move from the regular spot they’ve been holding since you can remember. Teeth shifting can happen over time due to a lot of different factors, and none of them are good news. Once your teeth start to move out of position, it’s possible that you could end […]

Preventative Dental Care For Lifelong Oral Health

As your dentist in Katy, TX, it’s our goal to preserve your oral health for a lifetime. Together, this is very achievable, especially in this day and age when mankind has not only been to the moon and back, but we’ve had civilians in space and invented the internet! But scientific advancements haven’t only occurred in […]

All the Stages of Gum Disease Explained

Gum disease, or periodontal disease as your dentist refers to it, is a progressive condition that affects the tissues surrounding your teeth. It’s never good, but understanding the various stages of gum disease is helpful so you can recognize the signs early and take action. At Chloe Dental, your dentist in Katy, TX, we hope this […]

The Dangers of Enlarged Gum Pockets

Have you ever wondered why one of the first things your dentist in Katy, TX does at your dental exam is to use a probe in your mouth and call out numbers to the dental hygienist? This mysterious process is actually integral to caring for your teeth and gums. The dentist is measuring your gum pockets, but […]

The Long-Term Effects of Skipping Dental Checkups

At Chloe Dental, we recommend that our patients visit at least once every six months, or more frequently if there are dental problems. Visiting your dentist in Katy, TX can feel like a walk in the park the more you visit, since there will be shorter times for cleaning, and more time for pleasant treatments like teeth […]

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity and How It’s Treated

When you visit your dentist in Katy, TX, are you worried that you’ll experience discomfort or pain due to tooth sensitivity? Okay, it’s reasonable to be a little bit worried, and if necessary, local anesthesia or sedation is available. But honestly, your teeth shouldn’t be hyper-sensitive, especially when you’re doing normal things like eating or drinking. […]