Are You Flossing Effectively?

Practicing good oral hygiene requires daily brushing and flossing: Removing the sticky biofilm on the teeth (i.e., plaque) and trapped food particles (i.e., debris) helps the teeth and gums remain healthy. Effective flossing is just as important as brushing because the floss reaches places in the mouth that the toothbrush cannot. Disregarding these areas could result in dental issues, including swollen gums that bleed, which may be the onset of gum disease (aka gingivitis). Left untreated, the gum line may begin to recede.

Effective Flossing Helps Prevent Gum Disease

Using traditional floss incorrectly increases the risk of developing a dental issue (e.g., tooth decay, a receding gum line).

Here is the correct way to use traditional floss:

  1. Brush before flossing.
  2. The floss should be about 24 in (61 cm) long. This long strand ensures the floss is easy to grip and there is a fresh section available when switching from one set of teeth to the next. Using the same section of floss between more than one set of teeth defeats the purpose of flossing: The plaque and debris removed from the first set of teeth is transferred to the next set of teeth.
  3. Loosely wrap the ends of the floss several times around the middle finger of each hand. This anchors the floss.
  4. While holding the floss between the thumbs and index fingers, slide the middle section between two teeth.
  5. Gently move it back and forth, up and down.
  6. Slide a new section of floss between another set of teeth, once again, clear away the debris and plaque using the up and down, back and forth motion.
  7. Repeat these actions with each set of teeth.
  8. Swish mouthwash or water around. Then spit it out.By spitting the mouthwash or water out in the sink, the plaque and debris no longer remain in the mouth.

To maintain a healthy mouth and prevent gum disease, floss at least once a day and remember to have a dental cleaning every six months.

If you think you may have gum disease, and you reside in the Houston or Katy, Texas, area, contact Chloe Dental today. You can click here to use the online form to request an appointment at your closest office. Or, if you prefer, you can make an appointment with a dentist at the Katy, Texas, location, at 281-578-3300 or the Houston location, 281-800-2019 to make an appointment.

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