A Look at How 3D Technology Makes Orthodontist Care More Efficient

Teeth and jaw irregularities are some of the most common reasons patients need braces in Houston, TX. These issues affect the way your teeth are positioned in your mouth and the alignment of your smile, but the process of getting braces is not anything like it was many years ago.

Thanks to new dental technology, specifically three-dimensional technology, the process of smile alignment is far more efficient and effective. Check out some of the ways that 3D technology makes orthodontic treatment more efficient.

3D Smile Scans Offer a Digital Map of Your Smile

Most patients are well-accustomed to x-rays, which do give a comprehensive look at the structures that make up your smile. However, 3D smile scans take the x-ray exam to a new level. Every dimension of your teeth, gums, and supporting bone structure can be examined.

When you are getting braces, the better the orthodontist knows the structures that make your smile look how it does, the more equipped they will be to create a plan to correct issues. This means when braces are created and installed, they will be more suited for encouraging the shifts that need to take place.

3D Printing Means Faster Access to Fixtures

Technology with 3D software and special equipment makes it possible to create fixtures right in the office. For example, if you are working with an orthodontist for smile alignment and opt for braces without braces (clear aligners), those aligners can be printed right in the office. You can have your smile mapped for treatment and the aligners printed and ready for pickup in a matter of days.

Find Efficient Dental Care in Houston, TX

Do you need help with smile alignment, or are you considering braces? Find a Houston, TX dentist that makes use of some of the latest in dental technology to ensure the process is as efficient as possible. Reach out to us at Chloe Dental to find out how we can help.

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