3 Things to Do Today to Lower Risks of Gum Disease

While most people give a lot of focus to keeping their teeth healthy, one just as important aspect of your oral health is the periodontal tissue (gums) that supports your teeth. The gums support and protect your teeth, so they, too, must be aptly protected. Many people end up needing periodontal treatment in Houston, TX due to gum disease, but there may be ways to prevent the problem. Check out a few changes you can make today to lower your risk of gum disease.

Stop using tobacco products

People who smoke cigarettes are four to five times as likely to develop gum disease than people who do not. The risk is more profound the more you smoke. Even people who use smokeless tobacco are at risk of gum disease. If you are a smoker, quitting is always recommended for the betterment of your health, but this may also protect your gums.

Make sure you floss

Flossing your teeth when you brush every day is such a small task, but it is also an oral hygiene routine that is most neglected. When you floss, you are getting the small bits of debris and bacteria that hang out next to the gum line, which can help thwart the risks of bacterial growth and periodontal disease.

Invest in therapeutic mouthwash

Therapeutic mouthwash is specifically formulated with ingredients that can naturally lower the levels of bacteria you have in your mouth that can be related to gum disease. Look for products that are approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) and state that the product is anti-gingivitis.

Find Out About Gum Treatment in Houston, TX

Because your gums are a major player in your overall oral health and the appearance of your smile, it is ever-important to work with a Houston dentist to keep them healthy. If you have issues with your gums, reach out to us at Chloe Dental to schedule an appointment.

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